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Kiss Me Book 1 Page 9

  “Do you honestly think I would let you out of this house looking busted?” Carrie asked dubiously.

  “No, but you don’t think it’s too much?” she asked. All of a sudden she was hit with a wave of uncertainty.

  “He said it was a theme right?”

  Amy nodded.


  Again she nodded.

  “Then you look hotter than hell! Too bad I can’t go tonight to see that smug sonofabitch Robert get what is coming to him.”

  Amy had filled Carrie in on everything and hadn’t been surprised in the least when her sister had threatened violence on her ex.

  Amy took a deep breath and one last look before tucking her phone in the pocket of her vest. “You sure you don’t care to drop me off?”

  “Not at all. It’s not like you’ll be coming home tonight anyhow.”

  “You know you can come with me,” Amy said.

  Carrie shook her head. “I’ve got an inspection at the salon tomorrow, and the husband wants to spend quality time,” she said, making air quotes.

  “Well, if you change your mind.”

  “I’d much rather be with you. Okay, let’s go, silly hoe,” she said as she playfully smacked Amy across the backside.

  Together the girls left the house, arm in arm.

  Christian scanned the crowd from the corner of the room. It was packed, even though it was only eight thirty. Amar was talking to him, but Christian couldn’t stop looking for one face in particular—Amy’s.

  “Are you listening to a word I’m saying?” Amar asked, his voice tight with annoyance.

  Christian looked at his brother. “I’m sorry man. I’m just anxious.”

  “I know you are. She’ll be here soon,” Amar said.

  “I know.”

  “Has Robert showed up yet?”

  Christian nodded. “He got here about fifteen minutes ago. I’ve already told him to meet me in the back at eight forty-five.”

  “Does Amy know what’s going on?”

  Christian took a pull from the beer in his hand and scanned the leather-clad crowd once more. “I was hoping to fill her in before the douchebag showed up, but apparently she’s running a little late. She’s just going to have to trust me.”

  Amar nodded. “Everyone is in place. Once Robert admits what’s been going on, the cops will come in through the back and take care of the rest.”

  “And you made sure they know to come in through the back?”

  “Yeah. There are several officers here already, and the team is already in position in the back. It should all go off without anyone being the wiser.”

  Christian was about to say something when a familiar blond head walked through the front door. He nearly dropped his beer when he got a look at her. She was stunning and immediately his dick tightened in response. Holy fuck, she was the hottest woman in the place, and, judging from the hungry looks on the faces of some of the men, he wasn’t the only one that noticed.

  He quickly scanned the room once more and found Robert talking with a burly biker. His back was to the door, so he didn’t see Amy walk in. Thank the sweet heavens for that.

  He flagged her over and she quickly cut through the crowd. He didn’t say a word as he led her to the doors leading into the back.

  “Christian what on earth is going on?” she asked, her green eyes wide with confusion.

  “I don’t have time to say, but you’re going to have to trust me,” he said as he tugged her into a dark corner. He planted a hot kiss on her mouth—damn, she tasted like strawberries. His dick twitched again, reminding him that there were other places it would much rather be than confined to the very uncomfortable leather pants he was wearing.

  “I could eat you right now,” he said. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  She reached down and teased his cock through the front of his pants. “I’m going to hold you to that,” she said.

  He let loose a low growl of frustration. “I don’t have time to explain what is going on, but you have to trust me, OK? Stay hidden right here until you see me motion for you to come out of hiding.”

  Amy looked up at him confused. “Hiding?”

  He nodded. “Robert will be back here any minute trying to sell me some more stolen art. The cops are waiting out back. We have to get an admission from him before anything. Once we get that, you come out and say your peace.”

  Amy’s heart stuttered in her chest. Robert was going to get busted for all his shit, and Christian wanted her to be there.

  There were three hard knocks on the door. Christian quickly moved away and stepped into the center of the room just as the sliding door opened a fraction and Robert stepped through. Amy sucked in a breath and watched as her ex-husband stepped to Christian.

  “You wanted to talk business?”

  “I do.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I want something rare. Money is no option,” Christian said, casually.

  Robert scratched his black goatee thoughtfully. “What price are you willing to pay?”

  Christian lifted his shoulder. “Money is no option. I just want something that will make me money. I don’t care how you get it or where. I just want it.”

  “That’s a tall order,” Robert said.

  Amy realized how cold and imposing Robert truly was. She’d never noticed the sinister gleam in his eyes before, but the look he held in his eyes told her that he wasn’t opposed to breaking the law. The price just had to be right.

  He spoke again. “There is a shipment of priceless artifacts coming in on the docks tomorrow night. My contact has already taken care of some particulars. I could get you a couple pieces by day after tomorrow.”

  “How do I know I can trust you not to set me up? My ass was nearly grass the last time you pulled that shit on me. Do you know that bitch came in here looking for her shit? Had my ass hauled downtown? Who was she, anyhow?”

  Robert shrugged, a wicked smile sliding across his face. Amy shivered.

  “My ex-wife. That fucking bitch took me for everything I had. I thought it only right that I took what meant the most to her.”

  From the shadows, Amy bristled, and she watched as a dark look clouded Christian’s face.

  “That cunt didn’t even change the locks. All I did was walk in and take the stuff. I was going to sell it to another buyer in town, but I’d heard you were looking for stuff, and I knew your reputation, so I figured I’d give you the first shot.”

  Christian forced a smile. “You seem very good at your job. How long you been doing this?”

  “Long enough to know that if I get caught, which I never will, that I will be going to prison for a very long time. People don’t look well on people who steal priceless art. Especially since a lot of the pieces I get are worth millions.”

  “I see.”

  Robert crossed his arms over his chest. “Are we going to do this? Because I have better shit to do then stand here and talk to you all night.”

  Christian shook his head. “No, I think I heard everything I needed to hear. How about you?”

  Christian turned her head to where Amy was standing, and she knew that was her cue. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the shadows and into Robert’s line of sight. She watched as he noticeably paled.

  His eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. “What the hell? Amy, why are you . . .”

  Realization flashed across his eyes—but it was too late. The massive bay doors on the loading dock slid open and a swarm of cops flooded the room. Robert tried to run but only made it two steps before he was tackled.

  Just then, Amar stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He went and stood beside to police chief.

  “Did you get everything you needed?”

  “We did and more. Found out that there’s more going on at the docks tomorrow night.”

  Robert let loose a torrent of curses as he was led away, a young officer reading him his rights.

  “Hey Robert,” Amy called.

  The officer stopped and he and Robert both turned and looked at Amy.

  She smiled sweetly at him and held up her middle finger. “Fuck. You!”

  She watched, satisfied at the justice that had been served. Robert was finally going to pay for his crimes.

  Christian gave a statement and said a few short words to the other cops before returning to her side.

  “It’s over?”

  He nodded and looked at his brother. “It’s over.”


  “Come on,” he said pulling her forward. “We have a party to get to, and I have one piece I have to unveil.”

  “I can’t wait,” she said as they emerged from the back and waded through the crowd.

  Christian took the stage and the loud rock music was lowered. The spotlight was turned onto him as he stood beside a giant display with a sheet draped over it.

  “I would like to thank everyone for coming out this evening. It truly means a lot to see such a huge outpouring of love for art. I just want to remind you that half the proceeds from all of the artwork sold tonight will go to local schools to help improve their art programs.”

  Amy’s heart swelled with pride. She had no idea the event was meant to raise money for schools. Christian was a truly amazing human being. She tried to focus on what he was saying but instead kept getting lost in the way he looked. He wore tight black leather pants that hugged every inch of his long legs. His defined thigh muscles were even more defined by the clinging leather. He wore a leather vest with a black, skintight tank top under it. Her mouth was practically watering. His hair was hanging unbound around his shoulders with a portion of it tucked behind one of his ears.

  “This piece was inspired by someone who has recently come into my life. I have come to care very much for this woman,” he said. Amy’s eyes found his, and she nearly gasped at their intensity as he held her gaze. “This piece was created before I realized what it was. It was only after I had framed it and stared at it for hours that I realized what I had in front of me. I had the purest and rawest thing people only ever dream of having.” He paused for a long time, and Amy realized she was holding her breath.

  “I realized that I was looking at what it was to be in love. I realized that I had fallen hopelessly and helpless in love with her. Since the moment she came barging into my life, I haven’t been able to think of anything or anyone else.”

  There was a collective of awws sweeping through the crowd. Tears were misting her eyes and sliding down her cheeks. Walking to the edge of the stage, Christian held his hand out to her. Without hesitation she moved and took it. He helped her on the stage and kissed her deeply. Catcalls and whoops of joy erupted through the room.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.

  She sniffed, unable to believe what was happening.

  “I love you too.”

  He took a step back and ripped the sheet away. Her eyes fell on the black and red swirls of paint, and she gasped. It was their painting, the one they’d made while having sex on the floor in all that paint. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen in her life. Bright red swirls blended with blacks merging into dark patterns.

  In her mind’s eye she could see each movement in the painting. There were even a few handprints and footprints at the edges. She blushed deeply.

  Applause exploded as cheers rattled the rafters.

  “Let’s keep this party going,” Christian yelled into the mic.

  The music once more cranked too life as he swept her off the stage and into the back. He slammed a lock in place over the bay doors.

  “Christian, where are we going?”

  “I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you until you can’t walk,” he said.

  “But what about the show, all those people?” she said as he pulled her by the hand up the stairs.

  “Right now I don’t give a hell what those people think. The minute you walked through those front doors wearing that come-and-fuck-me outfit—that is the only thing I have been able to focus on. Do you know how hard it was not to take you right there on that stage, all those people be damned?”

  They reached the top and stopped. He turned to her and his eyes grew cloudy with lust. “Take off those clothes, now!” he said.

  “And if I don’t?” she asked.

  “I’ll be forced to do it for you,” he said, taking a step closer.

  She tilted her chin up defiantly but didn’t deny him. Instead she walked over to the bed and sat on the end. She started to unzip her boots, but he stopped her.

  “Leave those on,” he said.

  She nodded and then stood. Slowly she pulled the skirt down over her hips and kicked it to the side before sitting back down on the bed. She opened her legs wide, making sure he had a good view of her cleanly-shaven pussy.

  “Fuck me,” he said as he gripped his cock through the front of his pants.

  “I want to see you,” she said.

  “Do you now?”

  She licked her lips. “I want to see that big cock. Take it out and stroke it for me!”

  “What the lady wants,” he said and kicked out of his boots and quickly unfastened his belt and pulled it through the loops on his pants. Next came his pants.

  She hummed her appreciation when he slung the belt around his neck and then gripped his thick shaft, slowly stroking it. Watching him caused a flood of wetness to pool in her pussy.

  “I can see how wet you are from here baby. Stroke it for me. Let me see you slide those fingers into that pussy.”

  She did as she was told and threw her head back as her fingers slid up and down through her moisture. She flicked her clit, which was throbbing erratically, just like her heart beat. She had to force herself to stop or she was going to come.

  “Christian. Please, fuck me.”

  He didn’t respond as he closed the distance between them and forced her back into the mattress. From there he mounted her and threw her legs on his shoulders. There was nothing soft or gentle about it as he roughly slammed into her dripping hole. Her fingers raked into his arms as he rammed her harder than ever before.

  “Oh, that’s right baby. Just like that. Oh yes. Right there! Harder! Harder!” she screamed.

  Sweat broke out on their bodies as he slammed into her. The harder he pounded, the harder she bounced against the bed. Quickly he withdrew and pulled his shirt and vest away. Reaching down, her ripped her vest from her and exposed her heaving chest. He gripped both of her nipples between his fingers and pinched and tugged fiercely.

  Amy’s back left the bed as her sensitive nipples were being tortured. She cried out in pain and pleasure.

  “You like it when I’m rough, don’t you?”

  “Uhhh,” was all she could manage.

  Turning her over, he bent down and bit her shoulder roughly. He was careful not to bite into the already-bruised spots he’d left earlier. She arched into him and panted. He moved away and gripped her ass tightly in his hands.

  “I’m going to lick every inch of that beautiful pussy. Then, I’m going to show you how to come like you’ve never come before.”

  He pushed three fingers into her throbbing hole and she squealed. Over and over he worked her, pulling more and more of her juices pouring out of her. When he removed his fingers, he slid his tongue from her clit, into and through her pussy, up to the tight little star of her ass.

  Amy squirmed at the new sensation and discovered really quickly that it was something she liked. If fact she wanted to explore that more.

  “Relax baby,” he said in a soothing voice. “We have to go slow for this.”

  “But I don’t want to go slow,” she whimpered into the pillow.

  “Trust me. It’ll all be worth it. Just relax.”

  She did as she was told, and soon she felt the very large tip of his cock stretching her ass. At first it was uncomfortable but then the discomfort melted away as he ful
ly entered her. He paused for a few minutes until she was adjusted around him. Finally, he slowly began to move in and out of her. The sensation was unbelievable as goosebumps scattered over every inch of her body.

  Soon she began to rock against him, feeling an urgent need to take him all the way into her. She pressed back as he gripped her hips. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she chanted over and over with each thrust. Her body was climbing, and before she even realized what was happening to her she exploded. A scream tore from her lips as she squeezed her eyes closed and allowed the new orgasm rage over her. He was right. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

  She could barely catch her breath but he kept going. She felt him withdraw and move from the bed. She collapsed and tried to focus through the roaring between her ears and the thundering of her heart. Vaguely she heard the sound of running water before she felt his weight back on the bed.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “And only the beginning. Get back on your hands and knees,” he demanded.

  “I can’t,” she muttered.

  His hand landed soundly across her ass and she jumped and groaned. Now he was going to beat her. She wondered if it was possible to die from too much pleasure. The sting of his hand landed against her ass once more and she slowly climbed to her hands and knees. She was having a hard time holding her head up. She heard the whistling noise of something just before it landed across her back. His belt. He was using his belt on her and she liked it.

  “Again,” she panted.

  The belt landed harshly across her other shoulder. He slapped it across her ass time and time again. It hurt. It stung but most of all it turned her on more than words could describe. By the time he was finished with her, she was lightheaded, and her ass was tingling uncontrollably. He gently rubbed his rough hand over it causing her to wince and then sigh.

  “Now I am going to pound that sweet pussy of yours. Baby, you’re going to be so sore, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”


  “You better believe it.”

  Christian reached forward and gripped her hair tightly and gave her head a sharp tug. “You want my cock?”